Content marketing
Jan 18, 2013

How to Use SlideShare—Checklist of 22 Tips



The Content Marketing Institute recently had an article about how to prepare your presentations to upload onto SlideShare. Roger C. Parker wrote a to-do check list (download it here) to help you use SlideShare better.

Parker prepared a checklist of 22 items to review before uploading your presentation. Here are a few of those points:

  • Are slide titles and text consistently placed and aligned?
  • Does your presentation title appear at the top of each page?
  • Did you add your firm’s name, URL and contact info at the bottom of each page of your handouts?
  • Did you convert presentation files to Adobe Acrobat to preserve text formatting?
  • Did you check each link after uploading to make sure they work?
  • Did you create Notes pages to rehearse your narration and improve SEO results?
  • Did you create links between SlideShare and social media sites like LinkedIn and Twitter?


If you want to learn more, check out The Marketer’s Guide to SlideShare by Todd Wheatlan.