Public Relations // Social Media
Mar 3, 2013

8 Types of Photos to Take at a Trade Show

Wondering how to use photos to full advantage at your next trade show? Trade shows are a perfect opportunity to get candid shots of your company’s key executives talking to prospects and current customers. Consider this “shot list” for your next show or conference.

1)     Straight-on photo of booth with company sign visible

2)      Close up of company sign

3)      Photos of key executives, talking in front of booth. Groups and/or individual photos are good.

4)      Photos of booth walls of products, one close-up and one further away, that includes company sign in background

5)      Close-up photo of each product shown in the booth

6)      Photos of each partner’s products in the booth (with their names visible)

7)      Photo of the trade show name (such as a banner hanging down in the lobby)

8)      If someone gives a talk or demonstration, a close-up photo of that person talking with booth in background

Once you take pictures at the show,upload to your individual or company Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts with an update on what’s happening on the show floor.  Save some photos to use at a later date, perhaps to highlight what happened at the show or in a newsletter that you send out recapping all the past month’s news.

You have your phone with you so take it out of your pocket and start snapping photos!